Monday, May 17, 2010

A day on the parkway.

Nothing better to do, why not go out for a few hours?

Plethodon montanus

First one of the day. Tiny one too! Must be a yearling. I finally tried out a 'trick' to caudate photography on him.... Basically you disorient them by tossing an individual in the air and catching them. I did this, plopped it down, even moved it around and it lay motionless for a few minutes. Neat!

It also got a bit dirty in the process of photographing...

This is Cold Prong Pond, my sanctuary.

I almost stepped on this little water snake (Nerodia sipedon). Put him down after a minute, took one more step next to this one!

And you would never guess what was next. Not one, or two, but three more little Nerodia closer to the pond edge which they swam into...

Since my camera is 'waterproof', I wanted to test it. It is for the most part.... I think some water got under a button somewhere... It all seems to be in working order now.

Bufo sp. tadpoles.

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